
时间:2021-05-02 浏览量:2443 来源: 作者:科教科

我院检验科余晓林博士与重庆医科大学丁世家教授课题组合作在中科院/JCR双一区SCI杂志《Biosensorsand Bioelectronics》(中科院一区,JCR一区,影响因子10.62)上发表高水平论文《Surfaceplasmon resonance imaging-based biosensor for multiplex and ultrasensitivedetection of NSCLC-associated exosomal miRNAs using DNA programmedheterostructure of Au-on-Ag》。该论文研发了一种基于表面等离子体共振成像(SPRi)的生物传感器,同时使用Au-on-Ag异质结构和DNA四面体框架(DTF)检测临床标本中的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC相关外泌体miRNA,可准确诊断出NSCLC患者

Scheme1. Schematic illustration of the multiplex exosomal miRNAs detectionusing SPRi biosensor. (A) Self-assembly of DTF, (B) Synthesis ofssDNA-functionalized AgNC, (C) Self-assembly of Au-on-Ag heterostructures onthe SPRi chip, (D) Extraction and detection of exosomal miRNAs.


Fig.1. Evaluation the feasibility of the biosensor. (A) Characterization of DTFswith 3% gel electrophoresis: (1) S1, (2) S3 + S4, (3) S1 + S2, (4) S1 + S2 +S3, (5) S1+ S2 + S3 + S4, and (M) 20 bp DNA marker. The concentrations of allDNA strands were 1.0 μ M. (B) AFM image of DTFs, scale bar is 50nm. (C) Typical SPR sensorgrams responding to (a) 20 nM target and (b) blankcontrol. The intensity analysis of 3D SPRi image was presented in the right ofthe sensorgram.




文献题录:Wenwen Wu, Xiaolin Yu (共同第一), Jiangling Wu, Tao Wu,Yunpeng Fan, Wenqin Chen, Min Zhao, Haiping Wu, Xinmin Li, Shijia Ding. Surfaceplasmon resonance imaging-based biosensor for multiplex and ultrasensitivedetection of NSCLC-associated exosomal miRNAs using DNA programmedheterostructure of Au-on-Ag. Biosens Bioelectron. 2021, 175: 112835.

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